Flatland is a FREE standalone program that runs on Windows 10 and utilizes DirectX 11 for acceleration if you have a graphics card. An internet connection is required to download building block sets and external 3D spots for viewing. Once you have building block sets on your local machine you can use Flatland to build and view local spots without an internet connection.
how do I view 3D spots in flatland?
When you run Flatland there is a type in field at the top of the app that works the same way the URL area works in your favorite browser. You can type or paste in the URL to a 3DML file stored on a web server to load that spot into Flatland. If you use a folder name then Flatland will look for an index.3dml inside that folder. You can find a list of available spots by going to the spot directory above on the menu bar of this site - the menu item labeled SPOTS. Once there you can click on any spot entry and then copy the URL and paste into the Flatland app. As an example you can copy and paste this URL to see a spot called Abbotts Pavilion http://spots.flatland.com/abbott/abbottsky.3dml
How do i move in flatland?
Movement is controlled key presses by default. You use W to move forward, S to move backward, A to turn left, D to turn right and Spacebar to jump. You also can use the mouse to look in all directions. The direction you are looking is the direction will move when you press W to move forward.